5 Affirmations to Boost Energy and Focus for a Kick-Ass Day!
Some days you just don’t have the zip you need to get shit done. Or so it feels…You can actually change your energy to improve your focus, and take back control over the day instead of letting it control you.
Affirmations are powerful ways to change your self-talk around body image, your relationship with money, and in this case, energy and focus. Here are 5 to get you started.
Repeat them throughout the day as needed. When you do, don’t half-ass it. You need to be focused on what you are saying. You need to believe in what you are saying. It’s helpful to sit with eyes closed, or stand and look at yourself in the mirror when you repeat affirmations.
“This is my moment. I am present. I am in control of my thoughts and actions.”
“I am intentional in everything I do.”
“I choose to rise above negative thinking.”
“I am capable, I am strong, I can do this.”
“I am committed to myself, my goals, and the task before me.”