This is Why You're Stuck. And What to Do About It.

Is your dream for your future bigger than your current circumstances? Or are you settling? Are you among the few who dare to set life goals and pursue then them? Or are you like most people who don’t?
You see most people follow tradition. They follow the lead of most others around them, and of their influences before them. They went to school, got a job, and now tread the wheel 40+ hours a week in exchange for a paycheck that may or may not be enough to get by. Maybe they will retire someday and get to “enjoy life”. Do the things they don’t have time to do right now. Spend time with the people they don’t get enough time with right now.
There is nothing necessarily wrong with that, if it brings you joy. Though, one might argue that there is no guarantee retirement will play out for them the way they envision. 
But what if the traditional path doesn’t bring you joy? What if you’re itching for a change? What if you feel stuck in a rut, but don’t know how things could be different because all you have ever been surrounded by is traditionalists?
As my mentor Doug Firebaugh says, “the life you are leading is simply a reflection of your thinking.” He also says, “most people are too busy living life to put life in their living.”
Here’s the thing. To get out of the rut, you are going to have to change your thinking. You’re going to have to stop thinking and start feeling. 
Your thinking brain will think you right back to the comfort zone. You’re going to have to feel your way through this change, and follow your heart, your instinct, into the next stage of living. To truly live, you’re going to have to change and discover your true self. You’re going to be one of the rare few who fulfill their talents, skills, and potentialities. 
You start doing this by surrounding yourself with the people who are living the way you want to live, not the way you are currently living. Don’t know anyone personally? Go find them. Go find stories about them. Read/listen to those stories. Follow social accounts that connect you to your future life, not your current life. Be open to new ways of making a living, or exploring a hobby. Try something you never would have dared to try before. Because opportunity leads to more opportunity. 
Opportunity knocks, but it doesn’t wait. The wise person says yes to opportunity, knowing that even if this particular experience is the end-all-be-all, it will lead to more opportunities. Say no, and you aren’t just shutting the door on one opportunity, you are shutting the door on all the possibilities it would have led to. All of the self discoveries you could have had. 
So now, I’ll ask again. Is your dream for your future bigger than your current circumstances? Or are you settling? 
If you’re tired of settling, let’s talk. 

Is there truth to “Look Good, Feel Good”?


Want a better life? Act like a rubber band.