The Big Lies You Have to Stop Believing to Live Your Dream

We need to talk about the big lies. The lies that other people told you. The lies you're telling yourself. These lies that are keeping you from living the life you're dreaming of. Or hell, even two ranks above where you are now because you don't know the last time you let yourself dream big enough to have a dream life. 

Lie 1: If you go to college, you’ll get a good job, and that job will be there for you if you’re dedicated.

FALSE:  I think you probably know this deep down by now. How many recessions and government shutdowns have you witnessed? How many “crazy markets” have you experienced? How many friends (or maybe you yourself) have experienced fears of lay-offs, furloughs, and pay-cuts? Or actual lay-offs, furloughs, and pay-cuts?
How much in student loans do you still have left? If not you, perhaps someone you care about is feeling hamstrung by the debt they took on to play the game of golden-handcuffs, only to realize that job security is a myth.
As John C. Maxwell said, “No job has a future. Only people have a future.”
So what’s your future? Well, if you’re telling yourself lie number 2, then it’s not much different than your present. 

Lie 2: You aren’t capable of living a bigger, better, exceptional life. 

FALSE: For whatever reason, you are like the 95% who is considering leaving their job, according to a July 2021 survey
Either because you’re burnt out (the main reason those surveyed were hoping "peace out") or you’re frustrated by the lack of professional and personal growth opportunities (the second most common reason they gave).
And yet you don’t. Because you’ve bought into the lies. You either think that your job cares about you or you think you don’t deserve better (or both). 
You think you don’t deserve better because the “daily grind” has been normalized. It’s now so common to hate your job and complain about work and life and being tired and looking tired and feeling stuck in a rut, that you think life is supposed to be this way because it’s that way for most people you know. 
And who are you to think you are better than most people? Who are you to dream of more? That’s what you’re telling yourself, right?


I’m here to remind you that the mere fact you exist is reason enough to  be worthy of living your grandest vision of yourself and your life. You don’t have to be “normal”. You can choose to step into the truth that you are worthy and capable of living a life on your terms.
I know this because I have made that bold leap myself. And I’m building a business helping folks like you do the same. 
Imagine being able to say yes to the people, places, and things you want to say yes to. And to say no when you want to say no. 
It’s possible. I know because I have been where you are. I have cried on the cheap carpet flooring of my tiny apartment wondering how the hell I got there. I’ve watched others living the lifestyle I wanted to live, feeling utterly stuck with no path to get me from where I was to where I longed to be. 
That is until I found a bridge. Today, I support driven women and men walk that same bridge. I support them to become the fullest version of themselves to live the life they truly want by coaching them to start up their own online business project in the dermatology/skincare space, which is a multi-billion dollar industry. They are dreamers like you. The only difference between them and you is that they have made a decision to act on what they are dreaming. They are doing not just dreaming.
It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box. ~ Tim Ferriss
Imagine a residual income stream that you ran through your phone. Imagine bridging the best of entrepreneurship and brand ambassadorship by having a low-cost entry into a high return market, backed by a billion-dollar global brand. No inventory, no parties, just conversation with people you are already conversing with. Making more friends in a year than you do in a "traditional" job.

The Decision

I have openings to coach two individuals who are tired of feeling tired and are looking for a better life for themselves and their family. Are you one of them? Tell me here. 
“Maybe, if you put your disbelief aside, roll up your sleeves, take some risks, and totally go for it, you’ll wake up one day and realize you’re living the kind of life you used to be jealous of.” ~Jen Sincero, You Are a Bad Ass

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