Employee Experience: "Most get this wrong. Lack of Motivation isn't your problem"

Great news. Your “problem” isn’t motivation. Your “problem” is that you’re confusing motivation with excitement.

How many times have you started a new routine only to stop after a few days, weeks, or even a couple of months? Did you blame motivation? Most people do. They think there is something wrong with them, that they naturally suffer from too little motivation. If only they had more of it, they would be able to easily stick with this new habit.

When you're asking yourself, "why do I lose motivation?" or thinking, "I can't because I'm just not motivated" be sure you don't mean "excitement” or “excited”.

Motivation and excitement are easily confused. Both spur you toward action. However, excitement is temporary. It compels you to move only when movement is easy. It’s short bursts, not endurance. It’s usually driven by an external cause. For example, you watch an inspiring social media video, hear an inspiring speech, or are offered a prize incentive to hit a certain bonus.

Motivation on the other hand is intrinsic. Its intensity does ebb and flow but it isn’t like these short, passing bursts of excitement. If we were using a workout analogy it would be an endurance run compared to short high-intensity intervals. Motivation is connected to your heart, your values, your core, and your purpose. It moves you to act even when the task feels hard or you feel tired.

The root of "motivation" is "Motive" (per Etymology).

Motive is defined (Merriam-Webster) in several ways depending on use. It’s a need or desire that causes a person to act. It is related to the cause of motion or is the cause of motion. It is moving toward action. It is a recurrent phrase developed through musical composition.

To unlock your motivation, ask yourself, “What is my motive? What is the desire driving me to act consistently?” Or, if you want to get super corny, “What is the recurring phrase in my heart?”.

You might also think of this as “your why”.

When trying to “get motivated” to stay consistent with a health goal, ask yourself, what is my motive? What are you obsessed with? Why are you really wanting to develop this habit?

I use the 5 Why’s Exercise with my clients to really peel back the layers and unlock their core motive and values. For example, often the reason someone wants to get back into regular exercise isn’t really to lose weight, it’s to feel comfortable, confident, and in control of their body again. Say this is you, then whenever you are debating whether to work out or not, remind yourself that you are exercising so you can retake ownership of your body.

When trying to “get motivated” to show up consistently for your new side business, ask yourself the same questions. Say you make candles. If you’re obsessed with helping others create spaces that make them feel safe, build your business around that. Market your candles around how colors and scents can help nourish well-being, boost energy, and improve focus. And whenever you are torn between working your business or not, remind yourself you are helping people create their safe place.

Here’s one more example. Let’s say you’re trying to get in the habit of going to bed at a certain time so you get more than 4 hours of sleep. And you’re struggling to put the phone away. You get in bed on time but you get sucked into the news and/or social media. Once again, ask yourself what your motive is for adopting this habit. Maybe it’s not “get more sleep”. That goal doesn’t really inspire anything. Not even me, and I love sleep! But “I want to get more sleep so I have the energy and patience I need to be the best parent I can be for my children” or “so I have the energy, creativity, and focus on taking my business to the next level” those motivate.

Focus on identifying your motive. It will be connected to your core values. Your motive will motivate you to keep acting. The results will follow.


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