How to Cope & Live Better

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Last week I introduced two of the main types of coping, problem-focused (PFC) and emotion-focused (EFC). I explained that PFC is better for both your mental and physical health, and your work performance. I also shared that PFC is a skill set you can develop, so if you’re more of an EFC-er…fear not!
That brings us to, HOW do you become more of a PFC-er?
Research shows that practicing a healthy lifestyle helps you develop PFC. May seem weird but think about it. Having good physical health, helps your mental health. And having good mental health, helps you make healthier choices (like working out, choosing healthy foods, etc.). When you’re functioning optimally (the result of a healthy lifestyle) you are able to make more optimal choices. Rather than responding emotionally, you are able to respond thoughtful. You act with purpose and consideration. You respond, rather than react.
You are able to pause and plan, rather than fight, flight, or freeze.
More on this “Pause and Plan” thing next week. In the meantime, think about your daily routine and how nourishing it is toward your mental and physical well-being. What’s working? What’s not working? How can you do more of what’s working? By increasing the helpful habits, you will most likely decrease the non nourishing habits in tandem.

Pause, Plan, Respond


How Well Do You Cope?