How to Boost Your Energy & Boost Your Mood!

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You know how when you’re happy you have loads of energy and when you’re tired you feel super grouchy? 
Of course you do. Because you’re an adult in the 21st century. You don’t need any researcher to tell you that energy levels affect mood and mindset. Or that mood and mindset are connected to your mental well-being/mental health. 
So what is helpful here? How about HOW to manage your energy and mood so that you can better recover your energy for when you feel like crap. And how to decrease the frequency of when you do. 
  • Schedule around your energy not your hours.

    1. You do not need to fill every minute on your calendar.
    2. Do not confuse your calendar availability with your mental/emotional availability.
    3. Do not confuse your free time with your availability.
    4. Set boundaries. Give yourself a cushion to mentally (as much as physically) transition from appointment to appointment.
    5. Before saying yes to something you don’t want to say yes to, but feel you “have to”, ask yourself “Do I really have to? Who says?”. And if you really do have to say yes, ask yourself how you can say yes in a way that protects your boundaries and energy as much as possible.
    6. Before saying no to something you don’t want to say no to, but feel you can’t, ask yourself, “Ok if I said yes, what would have to change so I could really do it?”. Ask yourself, “do I really need to decide this right now.” “No” might be an emotional reaction because you are feeling stressed or tired in this moment. Give yourself time to evaluate before making emotionally-based decisions.
  • Evaluate what are you feeding yourself? Literally and figuratively.

    1. Energy comes from emotions.
      1. Emotions are like frequencies. High frequency emotions (aka “positive” emotions) boost your energy. Low frequency emotions deplete your energy.
    2. Physical and mental well-being influence to your emotions (and vice versa).
      1. Energy comes from our physical nourishment.
      2. Are you moving frequently?
        1. Are you sleeping well?
        2. Are you stretching?
      3. Energy comes from our mental nourishment.
        1. Check your self-talk.
        2. Check the talk of others around you.
        3. What are you reading, listening to, scrolling past on your social feeds?
        4. Are you catastrophizing often? Experiencing a lot of negativity, indecisiveness, rumination?
    3. Check your boundaries

      1. Boundaries protect your emotional and mental health.
      2. They develop your identity and protect your autonomy.
      3. They help you stand in your truth against others’ influence.
      4. They help you avoid burnout.
      5. Learn how to establish boundaries here. 
Time is finite. Energy is infinite. This is true, even if right now you think I’m bonkers and have barely enough energy to sit on the coach while mindlessly snacking on ChexMix. 
By setting up rituals in your day that nourish you mentally, physically, and emotionally you will boost your energy. By setting and respecting your boundaries, you will protect the energy you generate for yourself. 
This will translate into getting more done in less time, and doing it more effectively. And it will be sustainable. 

How to Invest to Grow Your Energy “Account”


Energy, Metabolism, and Aging