3 Signs You Need a Coach (Not More Expert Info)

The difference between a coach and an expert/consultant, as I explored more in-depth on Tuesday, is:
A coach helps the client realize their potential and guides them through self-growth. The coach serves as an equal, and uses motivational interviewing to help the client find their own answers, and overcome ambivalence.
An expert/consultant is hired to deliver the answers to the problems.
As one analogy goes, when learning to ride a bike, the expert will ride it and then write you an owner’s manual for you to follow while learning on your own. A coach will get you on the bike and guide you through the process of learning, as you discover how best to learn for yourself.

So when should you use a coach vs a consultant ?

You catch yourself saying, “I know what to do, I just...” This is a sign you have enough information, you are struggling to implement it. 
You have tried repeatedly to implement what you know to do and have been unable to maintain the doing for as long as you’d like. This could be a sign that you are struggling with ambivalence and are stuck between wanting to continue on your journey, and wanting to go back to “comfortable”. It could also mean you do not have the skills needed for maintenance and need someone to guide you through what maintenance looks like for you. 
You feel like you’re walking/crawling and wasn’t to run instead (so to speak)...This is from my friend and fellow coach Christa Davis, paraphrasing what a client told her. If you feel like you are lacking clarity or forward action and need someone to help you see and travel the path more clearly, a coach can provide that guidance.

Sunday Duo: The Top Two from the Wellness-verse this week are:


Coach vs Consultant, Guide vs Expert