Sunday Duo: The Top Two from the Wellness-verse this week are:

Here are the two  “Bests” of what I’ve read/watched/heard this week in the field of wellness, to help you stop surviving and start thriving. 

I filter, so you don’t have to. Need help applying this info? Drop me a line!

1. Food Labels Show Exercise Calorie Equivalents...A Meta-Analysis. Researchers in the UK studied studies on whether people would make healthier choices if food/drink labels also showed how much exercise was required to burn off that particular item. Such labels are called PACE (Physical activity calorie equivalent) labeling.

The researchers found 15 studies eligible for inclusion in their analysis. They found that, indeed, PACE food labelling may encourage individuals to choose lower calorie options, compared to other types of labels or no labels at all.

2.Your Brain Is Wired to Hate Resolutions — Here’s What to Do Instead: Experts in behavior change shared their take on why most New Year's Resolutions fail by Valentine's Day. And, the approach you can take this year so that doesn't happen...again.

" 'All humans are motivated to avoid pain, seek pleasure, and exert the least amount of energy possible,' [explains Sasha Heinz, Ph.D., a psychologist who focuses on goal setting, behavioral change, and habit formation. 'Unfortunately, going after any big New Year’s resolution is going to require doing the exact opposite: avoid pleasure, seek pain, and exert a whole lot of energy, she says.' "

You must be present to win.

Jack Kornfield


The Downside of Tying Exercise to Calories–– And What to Do Instead.


3 Steps to Exercise, If You Hate Exercise