3 Steps to Exercise, If You Hate Exercise

So you hate exercise, know you need exercise, and feel guilty enough about not doing what you know you “should” do, to click on this... 

Well, first, here’s the good news. You may not actually hate exercise. You may just hate the exercise you’ve tried so far. Or what you think exercise HAS to be. 

Exercise doesn’t have to be some grind-fest in the gym or running forever. Gardening, dancing, cleaning the house, walking the dog...these can be exercise too! 

Here are 3 ways for exercise-haters to get moving:

1. Rethink exercise: Any movement can be exercise. Yes there are recommendations but if you’re just starting out, don’t worry about that. Just focus on moving more in ways you love.

2. Find what you love: If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t do it. Go explore different classes and find something that excites you. You could try spin, barre, martial arts, walking, tai chi, yoga, Pilates, dance fit, rec sports...There are probably many more options out there than you think.

3. Give yourself a break: It’s ok if you strike out for awhile. It can take time to improve any relationship, and your relationship with exercise is no different. You know it’s important for your health, not to mention for those aesthetic goals you likely also have! The hardest part is getting started. You aren’t a failure if the first 10 attempts aren’t enjoyable. It simply means you haven’t yet found your jam.

Need a little more help? Check out my article on Commitment Devices!


Sunday Duo: The Top Two from the Wellness-verse this week are:


How to Commit to Exercise: Even When You Hate It