Why you're not succeeding: And what to do about it

Yesterday I didn’t recycle an empty water bottle. I tossed it without thinking after my workout. Why? Because there were at least 4 trash cans on the path between me and my car. There was not one recycling bin. There was a single recycling bin on the other side of the gym. I could have made the effort to walk over there. But, in the post-morning-workout mindset (recovering from the push, hungry, need to get to work…) that bin was out of sight, out of mind. It was easier to toss it on the way. 
Why do you sit most of the day? Because it’s easier. Your environment has made that the easier choice. Why do you take the elevator more than the stairs? Why do you hit the fast/processed foods more than cook your own meals? Why do you do anything you do? Because it’s easier. 
Your environment shapes your path. It dictates the choices that you think you are making. If you really want to do the choosing, you have to choose to shape your path. You have to decide to change your environment. You have to decide to own your time and your calendar. You have to decide.
What results are you wanting? What pain points are you looking to alleviate? What is the first best step you can take to get there? And what is one thing you can do to change your environment to make that the easier choice?
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. ~Mark Caine

The Secret Art of Disruption


Think you're in control of your choices? What everyone needs to know stores and restaurants