What to Do When You Can’t Decide What to Do

In π˜›π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘬 𝘒𝘯π˜₯ 𝘎𝘳𝘰𝘸 π˜™π˜ͺ𝘀𝘩, Napoleon Hill argued that indecision and procrastination are like adjoined twins. Where one is, the other is found. He argued that successful leaders are those who make decisions quickly and change them slowly. Hill also argued that self-control is the greatest and most difficult skill to master on the road to success. It’s the greatest because it is foundational to well-being and self-talk, which leads to confidence, which leads to decisiveness. 

What is self-discipline? 

There are several psychological theories on self-discipline. Self-discipline includes the ability to delay gratification, to respond rather than react emotionally, and to manage impulses. 

How can you improve your self-discipline? 

  • Improve your self-awareness
  • Master by doing
  • Believe its infinite
  • Implement β€œif-then” goal strategies
Increasing your self-awareness will help you recognize when you are triggered emotionally and reacting from that emotional place, rather than from a de-personalized responsive place. It will also help you catch yourself before acting on impulse so you can delay gratification to achieve long-term goals rather than short-term wants. 
Like most things, you get better at them by doing them. Exercise, healthy eating, and similar healthy lifestyle components help you practice self-discipline, thereby improving your skill. 
Theorists used to believe that self-discipline, or willpower, was a finite source. Once it was spent, it was spent for the day. We know now that this isn’t true, from the research. But the idea still gets advertised. We know from research that people who view self-discipline as an unlimited resource rather than a finite resource were able to practice greater self-discipline. So, start telling yourself that you have all the supply you need! 
Finally, by using the if-then goal setting strategy you can help guide yourself through better behaviors and therefore improve the likelihood 
that you will act from a place of discipline. If-Then Planning helps you achieve your goals by determining in advance how you will respond to situations that could throw you off course. 
For example, if you are trying to drink less alcohol, and always end up drinking too much with a certain group of friends, an If-Then strategy would be: β€œIf I am going out with that group of friends, I will pick a place that does not serve alcohol.” 
Or you go out with them in the morning for brunch verses at night for drinks, when you all are less likely to over-consume.
The template or equation is: Whenever situation x arises, I will initiate the goal-directed response y!
Gollwitzer (1999) also called his strategy β€œimplementation Response”.

Wrapping Up.

Improved self-discipline is correlated with improved academic performance, improved academic attendance, improved job satisfaction, improved job performance, improved income, reduced risk of diabetes, and improved muscular and aerobic fitness. 
All perhaps outcomes you’re interested in…?! So which improved self-mastery tactic will try first? 

Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementation intentions: Strong effects of simple plans. American Psychologist, 54(7), 493–503. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066x.54.7.493 
Hill, N. (1987). Think and grow rich. New York: Fawcett Books. 

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