The Secret to Keeping That Healthy Habit

So you read last week’s article and are ready to start that confidence-boosting routine. Buuuut starting and keeping are two different things, as your running shoes can tell you.
It makes sense that you have hard a time starting and keeping healthy routines in the past. Humans have evolved to conserve our energy. We intrinsically want the path of least resistance. We are biased towards the here and now, the instant gratification over the long-term pay off.  
We want to binge on Netflix and a sweet or savory treat rather than stop after one episode to meditate and indulge in cauliflower rice. EVEN IF we also want to get healthier, look younger, feel more confident, and like we are finally getting our shit together.
The good news is, behavioral scientists have figured out a few tricks that you can use to not only start that new routine, but stick to it. 
Tonight and tomorrow, I'm leading a free masterclass on the secrets to healthier habits. If you missed it (gasp), no worries. I’ll review a couple of them below. But first, be sure to register now for the last two masterclasses in February and my newsletter, so you never miss another tip!

Ok, on with the show:

Here are two secrets to starting and keeping a healthy habit, whether it’s a skincare routine, a workout routine, or an eating plan.

1) When you have trouble getting started:

Typically this is because you are feeling overwhelmed. Changes cause friction in our lives, even if they are changes we want. It makes the new task seem larger than it is, causing us to feel overwhelmed.
Try the “blank slate” tactic.
You may have heard that “every good diet starts on a Monday.” Same for your skincare routine. Pick a Monday and commit to starting. This is also why New Year's Resolutions are such a big deal. Everyone wants to feel that clean slate. But again, no need to wait until January 1. Pick a Monday, or a birthday, or some other "bank slate" day and get started.

2) When you’re feeling “lazy”:

You may be calling yourself lazy but you are an adult in the 21st century. There is nothing lazy about you. What's really happening, most likely, is that you are doing what humans have evolved to do, take the path of least resistance. We humans like to conserve our energy, so faced with a two choices, we will pick the path with least resistance. The one that is easiest to accomplish. 
Make it easier to on yourself to start and keep going. You can do this in a couple of ways. One way is to commit to the smallest possible change. If you're new to exercising, instead of starting with a 30-minute workout every day, try a 10-minute workout three times a week. Instead of jumping into a 14-step skincare routine (gasp) try a two- or three-step routine. Master that and then add on if you need to.
You can also make your environment work for you by "shaping the path". This is when you do things like layout your workout clothes the night before. Or putting the cookies out of sight on the top back shelf of the pantry. Or setting your eye cream by your toothbrush or your lotion by the sink. These are cues and environment shapers that will make it easier on you to take the first step.

Once you’ve started, it’s easier to keep going. 

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ― John C. Maxwell


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