Why Exercise Really Matters

Why Exercise Really Matters

Why do you work out? Or think you should work out? If the first thought is because you want to lose weight or maintain weight or get skinny...or anything related, you're not alone. 


You're also not wrong, but you're not totally right either. 

Often we think exercise is the way to control weight loss. It definitely helps, and the ways and degrees to which it does are for another post. 

What exercise can also be about is maintaining strength, range of motion, and agility as much as possible throughout your life.  

This commercial (below) from German company DocMorris nails it. 

Using exercise for sanity and vanity is not wrong. I do it. But remember that it's only a small part of the larger picture. And certainly your nutrition, sleep, and other lifestyle choices play a greater role in your weight than exercise alone.  Exercise isn't just about getting skinny or ripped. It's about being able to tie your shoes and play with your grandkids at 80.



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