SPF: All Day, Every Day

SPF: All Day, Every Day​

spfdevicesMost people are surprised when I tell them they need to wear their SPF even indoors. Lately, during consults with prospective skincare customers, I hear something like: "Well with COVID, I'm not going out outside as much so of course I haven't needed my SPF."

The thing is, UVA light can penetrate glass. UVA is the "aging" light, while UVB is the "burning" light. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more than 50 percent of UVA light can get through, so if you're within several feet of the window, the rays can reach you. This applies to indoors and to driving, as the rays can penetrate car glass too. 

Then, there are all our devices. Blue-violet light can lead to dark spots and an increased breakdown of collagen. "This can lead to an accelerated appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity," according to dermatologist Vivan Bucay, writing in the DermRF Blog.

She offers tips to protect your skin indoors and outdoors, year-round.


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