Sunday Duo: The Top Two from the Wellness-verse this week are:

Here are the two  “Bests” of what I’ve read/watched/heard this week in the field of wellness, to help you stop surviving and start thriving. 

I filter, so you don’t have to. Need help applying this info? Drop me a line!

1. Choiceology Podcast: The Price of Your Vice.

“Giving in to temptation is all too easy in the moment. But raising the stakes just might bolster your resistance.”

In this episode of Choiceology, Katy Milkman and her guests discuss Commitment devices, and how they can help you adopt “better” (e.g. healthier, more supportive) habits, such as eating right, exercising, or saving more money. 

2. The New York Times: 25 Again? How Exercise May Fight Aging.

The Times article is a nice write-up of a study published Nov 21 in the Journal of Applied Physiology that found active older men’s muscles withstood damage from inflammation better than the muscles of sedentary men of the same age group. The active older men’s thigh muscles also resemble, at a cellular level, the muscles of active 25-year olds. A study on women is being conducted.

From the study, “thus, while aging led to a pro-inflammatory profile within blood and muscle, lifelong exercise partially prevented this and generally preserved the acute inflammatory response to exercise seen in young exercising men. Lifelong exercise may positively impact muscle health throughout aging by promoting anti-inflammation in skeletal muscle.”

This doesn’t mean if you haven’t been a lifelong exerciser, all is lost. It’s never too late to start. 

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Kenneth Blanchard


How to Commit to Exercise: Even When You Hate It


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